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Showing posts from June, 2023

Daily Bible Quiz (July-30-2023)

1➤ How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness when he was tempted by Satan? 1 point ⓐ 10 ⓑ 20 ⓒ 30 ⓓ 40 2➤ Whose disciples did not fast? 1 point ⓐ John the Baptist's ⓑ The Pharisees' ⓒ Jesus' ⓓ None 3➤ How long was Jesus on the cross? 1 point ⓐ 3 hours ⓑ 5 hours ⓒ 6 hours ⓓ 9 hours 4➤ What did Mary do right after the angel appeared to her? 1 point ⓐ Visited Elizabeth ⓑ Married Joseph ⓒ Went to Bethlehem ⓓ Went to Jerusalem 5➤ What did Joseph and Mary offer at Jesus' presentation? 1 point ⓐ A lamb ⓑ A goat ⓒ 2 birds ⓓ A ram style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ How many loaves did the disciples have when Jesus fed the 4000? 1 point ⓐ 5 ⓑ 6 ⓒ 7 ⓓ 8 7➤ What did the rich young man do when Jesus invited him to follow? 1 point ⓐ Went away sad ⓑ Sold his goods ⓒ Gave m...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-31-2023)

1➤ What happened at the house of Simon the Pharisee? 1 point ⓐ Jesus ate Passover. ⓑ Woman poured perfume on Jesus. ⓒ Jesus was an honored guest. ⓓ Simon became a believer. 2➤ What did the demon-possessed man from the Gerasenes say his name was? 1 point ⓐ Millenium ⓑ Falcon ⓒ George ⓓ Legion 3➤ What favor did the people of the Gerasenes ask Jesus? 1 point ⓐ To feed them ⓑ To leave ⓒ To heal their sick ⓓ To bless their crops 4➤ How did James and John most likely earn the nickname 'Boanerges'? 1 point ⓐ They wanted to destroy a town ⓑ They asked Jesus a favor ⓒ They were good fishermen ⓓ They were overweight 5➤ What surprised a Pharisee when Jesus ate dinner at his house? 1 point ⓐ Jesus didn't wash his hands. ⓑ Jesus ate beef. ⓒ Jesus healed a paralytic. ⓓ Jesus didn't eat anything. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" da...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-27-2023)

1➤ Who said to Jesus, 'If you are willing, you can make me clean'? 1 point ⓐ A leper ⓑ A blind man ⓒ A paralytic ⓓ A demoniac 2➤ Who accused Jesus of an association with Beelzebub? 1 point ⓐ Levites ⓑ Priests ⓒ The Pharisees ⓓ Samaritans 3➤ Jesus told his disciples to be as shrewd as: 1 point ⓐ Snakes ⓑ Wolves ⓒ Dogs ⓓ Sheep 4➤ What did Jesus come to bring? 1 point ⓐ Peace ⓑ A sword ⓒ Both ⓓ None 5➤ Which gospel mentions the wise men or the Magi? 1 point ⓐ Matthew ⓑ Mark ⓒ Luke ⓓ John style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ Who told his son, 'You will be a prophet of the highest'? 1 point ⓐ Zechariah ⓑ Joseph ⓒ Zebedee ⓓ Simeon 7➤ What does the name 'Peter' mean? 1 point ⓐ Fisherman ⓑ Boat ⓒ Water ⓓ Rock 8➤ Which Old Testament people appeared with Jesus at the Trans...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-28-2023)

1➤ Finish: 'He causes his sun to rise on the _________ and the good.' 1 point ⓐ Evil ⓑ Pure ⓒ Clean ⓓ Chaste 2➤ Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal? 1 point ⓐ John's ⓑ James' ⓒ Caiaphas' ⓓ Peter's 3➤ What was Jesus doing when a storm came up on the Sea of Galilee? 1 point ⓐ Praying ⓑ Sleeping ⓒ Eating ⓓ Preaching 4➤ Finish the passage: I desire mercy not _______________. 1 point ⓐ Prayer ⓑ Thanksgiving ⓒ Sacrifice ⓓ Hope 5➤ Which name of Jesus means 'God with us'? 1 point ⓐ Messiah ⓑ Immanuel ⓒ Christ ⓓ Shiloh style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ What does the word 'Messiah' mean? 1 point ⓐ Savior ⓑ God with us ⓒ Anointed ⓓ Prince of Peace 7➤ Whom did Jesus call the bridegroom? 1 point ⓐ Peter ⓑ The church ⓒ John the Baptist ⓓ Himself 8➤ Who asked...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-29-2023)

1➤ How many basketfuls of pieces were left when Jesus fed the 5000? 1 point ⓐ 4 ⓑ 12 ⓒ 20 ⓓ 26 2➤ Who climbed out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water? 1 point ⓐ John ⓑ Peter ⓒ James ⓓ Matthew 3➤ Whose mother asked Jesus to grant her sons places at his right and left? 1 point ⓐ Peter and Andrew ⓑ Philip and Bartholomew ⓒ Nathanael and Nicodemus ⓓ James and John 4➤ What was the result of Jesus' encounter with a fig tree? 1 point ⓐ It withered ⓑ It turned green. ⓒ It grew more figs. ⓓ Nothing 5➤ What answer did the Pharisees give when asked where John's baptism came from? 1 point ⓐ From heaven ⓑ We don't know ⓒ From men ⓓ From earth style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ What happened to the man without wedding clothes in the parable? 1 point ⓐ He was given clothes. ⓑ H...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-24-2023)

1➤ On what day of the week did Jesus heal the invalid at Bethesda? 1 point ⓐ Tuesday ⓑ Thursday ⓒ Saturday ⓓ Sunday 2➤ Whom did Jesus call a lamp that burned? 1 point ⓐ John the Baptist ⓑ Isaiah ⓒ Elijah ⓓ Peter 3➤ Did Jesus say it had been lawful for a child to be circumcised on the Sabbath? 1 point ⓐ Yes ⓑ No ⓒ Cant say ⓓ None 4➤ Who said, 'Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him?' 1 point ⓐ Joseph ⓑ Bartholomew ⓒ Thaddaeus ⓓ Nicodemus 5➤ Where did Jesus send a blind man to wash? 1 point ⓐ Pool of Siloam ⓑ Pool of Bethesda ⓒ Pool of Hezekiah ⓓ Ocean style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ How many days had Lazarus been dead when Jesus reached Bethany? 1 point ⓐ 1 ⓑ 4 ⓒ 8 ⓓ 12 7➤ What food did Jesus eat when he met with his disciples after his resurrection? 1 po...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-25-2023)

1➤ Who asked Jesus, 'Are you greater than our father Jacob?' 1 point ⓐ Man from Macedonia ⓑ Man from Egypt ⓒ Woman from Tyre ⓓ Woman of Samaria 2➤ Which disciple kept the money bag? 1 point ⓐ Thaddaeus ⓑ Matthew ⓒ Judas ⓓ James 3➤ Which disciple said, 'Lord, show us the father'? 1 point ⓐ Simon the Zealot ⓑ Bartholomew ⓒ Philip ⓓ James 4➤ Whose ear did Peter cut off? 1 point ⓐ Eutychus ⓑ Malchus ⓒ Annas ⓓ Ananias 5➤ Who advised the Jews that it would be good if one man died for the people? 1 point ⓐ Caiaphas ⓑ Annas ⓒ Pilate ⓓ Gamaliel style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ To whom did Jesus say, 'My kingdom is not of this world'? 1 point ⓐ Herod ⓑ Pilate ⓒ The Pharisees ⓓ Caiaphas 7➤ What language is the word 'Golgotha' taken from? 1 point ⓐ Greek ⓑ Lat...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-26-2023)

1➤ What does the name 'Jesus' mean? 1 point ⓐ Anointed one ⓑ Prophet ⓒ Savior ⓓ Righteous 2➤ Which two gospels have genealogies of Jesus? 1 point ⓐ Matthew and Mark ⓑ Mark and Luke ⓒ Luke and John ⓓ Matthew and Luke 3➤ Which two books start with 'In the beginning'? 1 point ⓐ Genesis and Matthew ⓑ Exodus and Revelation ⓒ Genesis and Luke ⓓ Genesis and John 4➤ Which two gospels do not record the birth of Jesus? 1 point ⓐ Matthew and Mark ⓑ Matthew and Luke ⓒ Luke and John ⓓ Mark and John 5➤ Who said, 'The ax is already at the root of the trees'? 1 point ⓐ Jesus ⓑ Mark ⓒ John the Baptist ⓓ Peter style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ Whom did John the Baptist call a brood of vipers? 1 point ⓐ The Pharisees ⓑ The temple guards ⓒ The common people ⓓ Jesus' disciples 7➤ ...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-23-2023)

1➤ Which of these disciples followed Jesus to his trial? 1 point ⓐ Peter ⓑ John ⓒ Andrew ⓓ A and b 2➤ From whom did Jesus cast 7 demons? 1 point ⓐ Joanna ⓑ Susanna ⓒ Mary Magdalene ⓓ Lydia 3➤ What happened at the Transfiguration? 1 point ⓐ Jesus ascended into heaven. ⓑ Jesus healed some sick people. ⓒ Jesus fed 4000 people. ⓓ Jesus' clothes became white. 4➤ Who helped the victim of a robbery in the parable? 1 point ⓐ Levite ⓑ Samaritan ⓒ Priest ⓓ Lawyer 5➤ What happened to the man in the parable who had a bumper crop? 1 point ⓐ He built bigger barns. ⓑ He died. ⓒ He donated to the poor. ⓓ He held a party. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ How many brothers did the rich man have (parable - rich man and Lazarus)? 1 point ⓐ 3 ⓑ 4 ⓒ 5 ⓓ 6 7➤ When the rich man was in hell, what favor ...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-21-2023)

1➤ Where did the Pharisees claim Jesus got his power from? 1 point ⓐ Beelzebub ⓑ The Spirit ⓒ God ⓓ Himself 2➤ In the parable of the sower the seed falling on rocky soil stands for whom? 1 point ⓐ Those who reject the word. ⓑ Those who believe. ⓒ Believers who fall away. ⓓ Those who love pleasure. 3➤ In the parable, what did the servant whose debt had been forgiven do? 1 point ⓐ Forgave others ⓑ Thanked his master ⓒ Choked someone who owed him ⓓ Quit his job 4➤ Which one of the two sons in the parable went to work when asked to do so? 1 point ⓐ The one who said he would. ⓑ The one who said he wouldn't. ⓒ Both ⓓ None 5➤ To whom did Jesus say, 'You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel?' 1 point ⓐ Pharisees ⓑ Disciples ⓒ Tax collectors ⓓ Pagans style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-22-2023)

1➤ Who owned the tomb in which Jesus was buried? 1 point ⓐ Mary Magdalene ⓑ Nicodemus ⓒ Joseph of Arimathea ⓓ Simon of Cyrene 2➤ How many pigs died when Jesus permitted demons to possess them? 1 point ⓐ 100 ⓑ 1000 ⓒ 2000 ⓓ 2500 3➤ What color robe was put on Jesus after his trial before Pilate? 1 point ⓐ White ⓑ Purple ⓒ Red ⓓ Black 4➤ Jesus was crucified with 2 criminals. Where was Jesus placed? 1 point ⓐ Left ⓑ Right ⓒ Middle ⓓ None 5➤ What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary? 1 point ⓐ Michael ⓑ Hosea ⓒ Malachi ⓓ Gabriel style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ When did the angel appear to the shepherds? 1 point ⓐ Night ⓑ Morning ⓒ Afternoon ⓓ Dusk 7➤ Jesus was circumcised on this day (after his birth): 1 point ⓐ 7th ⓑ 8th ⓒ 9th ⓓ 10th 8➤ At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?...

Daily Bible Quiz (July-19-2023)

1➤ To what did Jesus compare Solomon? 1 point ⓐ A lily ⓑ A lion ⓒ A hill ⓓ A sword 2➤ Which disciple held a feast for Jesus and invited tax collectors and 'sinners'? 1 point ⓐ Peter ⓑ Andrew ⓒ John ⓓ Matthew 3➤ Who decreed that all the world should be taxed? 1 point ⓐ Julius Caesar ⓑ Caesar Augustus ⓒ Marc Antony ⓓ Nero 4➤ Who came to Jesus at night? 1 point ⓐ Nicodemus ⓑ Andrew ⓒ Bartholomew ⓓ Matthew 5➤ What was the name of the pool where people would gather to get well? 1 point ⓐ Siloam ⓑ Megiddo ⓒ Bethesda ⓓ Pharpar style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> 6➤ What was the name of the synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus raised? 1 point ⓐ Jairus ⓑ Zaccheus ⓒ Cornelius ⓓ Andrew 7➤ At which well did Jesus talk with a Samaritan woman? 1 point ⓐ Abraham's ⓑ Isaac's ⓒ Esau'...