Daily Bible Quiz (July-27-2023) 1➤ Who said to Jesus, 'If you are willing, you can make me clean'? 1 point ⓐ A leper ⓑ A blind man ⓒ A paralytic ⓓ A demoniac2➤ Who accused Jesus of an association with Beelzebub? 1 pointⓐ Levites ⓑ Priests ⓒ The Pharisees ⓓ Samaritans3➤ Jesus told his disciples to be as shrewd as: 1 pointⓐ Snakes ⓑ Wolves ⓒ Dogs ⓓ Sheep4➤ What did Jesus come to bring? 1 pointⓐ Peace ⓑ A sword ⓒ Both ⓓ None5➤ Which gospel mentions the wise men or the Magi? 1 pointⓐ Matthew ⓑ Mark ⓒ Luke ⓓ John crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ Who told his son, 'You will be a prophet of the highest'? 1 pointⓐ Zechariah ⓑ Joseph ⓒ Zebedee ⓓ Simeon7➤ What does the name 'Peter' mean? 1 pointⓐ Fisherman ⓑ Boat ⓒ Water ⓓ Rock8➤ Which Old Testament people appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration? 1 pointⓐ Abraham and Job ⓑ Abraham and Elijah ⓒ Moses and Elijah ⓓ Job and Daniel9➤ Who carried Jesus' cross? 1 pointⓐ Nicodemus ⓑ Joseph of Arimathea ⓒ Simon from Cyrene ⓓ Cephas10➤ What was the first thing Jesus said to the paralytic lowered through the roof? 1 point ⓐ Your sins are forgiven. ⓑ Get up and walk. ⓒ Do you believe? ⓓ Where are you from?SubmitYou Got