Daily Bible Quiz (July-29-2023) 1➤ How many basketfuls of pieces were left when Jesus fed the 5000? 1 pointⓐ 4 ⓑ 12 ⓒ 20 ⓓ 262➤ Who climbed out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water? 1 pointⓐ John ⓑ Peter ⓒ James ⓓ Matthew3➤ Whose mother asked Jesus to grant her sons places at his right and left? 1 pointⓐ Peter and Andrew ⓑ Philip and Bartholomew ⓒ Nathanael and Nicodemus ⓓ James and John4➤ What was the result of Jesus' encounter with a fig tree? 1 pointⓐ It withered ⓑ It turned green. ⓒ It grew more figs. ⓓ Nothing5➤ What answer did the Pharisees give when asked where John's baptism came from? 1 pointⓐ From heaven ⓑ We don't know ⓒ From men ⓓ From earth crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ What happened to the man without wedding clothes in the parable? 1 pointⓐ He was given clothes. ⓑ He was told to leave. ⓒ He was thrown out. ⓓ Nothing in particular.7➤ To whom did Jesus refer with the word 'goats'? 1 pointⓐ Publicans ⓑ Believers ⓒ Apostles ⓓ Unbelievers8➤ Who was the chief priest who had Jesus arrested? 1 point ⓐ Caiaphas ⓑ Ananias ⓒ Pilate ⓓ Zechariah9➤ What happened at the moment when Jesus died? 1 pointⓐ There was an earthquake. ⓑ There was a flood. ⓒ The temple veil tore. ⓓ A and c10➤ To whom did Jesus appear first after his resurrection? 1 pointⓐ Mary Magdalene ⓑ Peter ⓒ Clopas ⓓ ThomasSubmitYou Got