Daily Bible Quiz (July-28-2023) 1➤ Finish: 'He causes his sun to rise on the _________ and the good.' 1 pointⓐ Evil ⓑ Pure ⓒ Clean ⓓ Chaste2➤ Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal? 1 pointⓐ John's ⓑ James' ⓒ Caiaphas' ⓓ Peter's3➤ What was Jesus doing when a storm came up on the Sea of Galilee? 1 point ⓐ Praying ⓑ Sleeping ⓒ Eating ⓓ Preaching4➤ Finish the passage: I desire mercy not _______________. 1 pointⓐ Prayer ⓑ Thanksgiving ⓒ Sacrifice ⓓ Hope5➤ Which name of Jesus means 'God with us'? 1 pointⓐ Messiah ⓑ Immanuel ⓒ Christ ⓓ Shiloh crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ What does the word 'Messiah' mean? 1 pointⓐ Savior ⓑ God with us ⓒ Anointed ⓓ Prince of Peace7➤ Whom did Jesus call the bridegroom? 1 pointⓐ Peter ⓑ The church ⓒ John the Baptist ⓓ Himself8➤ Who asked, 'Are you the one who was to come?' 1 pointⓐ Simon ⓑ Nicodemus ⓒ Zechariah ⓓ John the Baptist9➤ Who is the Elijah who was to come? 1 pointⓐ John the Baptist ⓑ Elisha ⓒ Paul ⓓ Malachi10➤ What was the occupation of Mary's husband Joseph? 1 point ⓐ Carpenter ⓑ Fisherman ⓒ Tent maker ⓓ TailorSubmitYou Got