Daily Bible Quiz (July-26-2023) 1➤ What does the name 'Jesus' mean? 1 pointⓐ Anointed one ⓑ Prophet ⓒ Savior ⓓ Righteous2➤ Which two gospels have genealogies of Jesus? 1 pointⓐ Matthew and Mark ⓑ Mark and Luke ⓒ Luke and John ⓓ Matthew and Luke3➤ Which two books start with 'In the beginning'? 1 pointⓐ Genesis and Matthew ⓑ Exodus and Revelation ⓒ Genesis and Luke ⓓ Genesis and John4➤ Which two gospels do not record the birth of Jesus? 1 pointⓐ Matthew and Mark ⓑ Matthew and Luke ⓒ Luke and John ⓓ Mark and John5➤ Who said, 'The ax is already at the root of the trees'? 1 pointⓐ Jesus ⓑ Mark ⓒ John the Baptist ⓓ Peter crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ Whom did John the Baptist call a brood of vipers? 1 pointⓐ The Pharisees ⓑ The temple guards ⓒ The common people ⓓ Jesus' disciples7➤ According to the Sermon on the Mount, what can't be hidden? 1 pointⓐ A city set on a hill ⓑ A bushel basket ⓒ A fig tree ⓓ A mountain8➤ The Sermon on the Mount teaches us that sin can involve: 1 point ⓐ Actions ⓑ Words ⓒ Thoughts ⓓ All of the above9➤ What did Jesus say is the lamp of the body? 1 pointⓐ Ear ⓑ Mouth ⓒ Eye ⓓ Heart10➤ Jesus said not to give pearls to: 1 pointⓐ Dogs ⓑ Cats ⓒ Pigs ⓓ CowsSubmitYou Got