Daily Bible Quiz (July-23-2023) 1➤ Which of these disciples followed Jesus to his trial? 1 pointⓐ Peter ⓑ John ⓒ Andrew ⓓ A and b2➤ From whom did Jesus cast 7 demons? 1 pointⓐ Joanna ⓑ Susanna ⓒ Mary Magdalene ⓓ Lydia3➤ What happened at the Transfiguration? 1 pointⓐ Jesus ascended into heaven. ⓑ Jesus healed some sick people. ⓒ Jesus fed 4000 people. ⓓ Jesus' clothes became white.4➤ Who helped the victim of a robbery in the parable? 1 pointⓐ Levite ⓑ Samaritan ⓒ Priest ⓓ Lawyer5➤ What happened to the man in the parable who had a bumper crop? 1 pointⓐ He built bigger barns. ⓑ He died. ⓒ He donated to the poor. ⓓ He held a party. crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ How many brothers did the rich man have (parable - rich man and Lazarus)? 1 point ⓐ 3 ⓑ 4 ⓒ 5 ⓓ 67➤ When the rich man was in hell, what favor did he ask of Abraham? 1 pointⓐ To send Lazarus to him. ⓑ To set him free. ⓒ To send Lazarus to his kin. ⓓ A and c8➤ What was Zaccheus' occupation? 1 pointⓐ Electrician ⓑ Fisherman ⓒ Lawyer ⓓ Tax collector9➤ Who is 'the stone the builders rejected'? 1 pointⓐ John the Baptist ⓑ Jesus ⓒ Elijah ⓓ Judas10➤ What did Herod and Pilate become when Jesus stood on trial before them? 1 pointⓐ Friends ⓑ Enemies ⓒ Both ⓓ NoneSubmitYou Got