Daily Bible Quiz (July-30-2023) 1➤ How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness when he was tempted by Satan? 1 pointⓐ 10 ⓑ 20 ⓒ 30 ⓓ 402➤ Whose disciples did not fast? 1 pointⓐ John the Baptist's ⓑ The Pharisees' ⓒ Jesus' ⓓ None3➤ How long was Jesus on the cross? 1 point ⓐ 3 hours ⓑ 5 hours ⓒ 6 hours ⓓ 9 hours4➤ What did Mary do right after the angel appeared to her? 1 point ⓐ Visited Elizabeth ⓑ Married Joseph ⓒ Went to Bethlehem ⓓ Went to Jerusalem5➤ What did Joseph and Mary offer at Jesus' presentation? 1 pointⓐ A lamb ⓑ A goat ⓒ 2 birds ⓓ A ram crossorigin="anonymous"> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5637680525346930" data-ad-slot="9247341920" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">6➤ How many loaves did the disciples have when Jesus fed the 4000? 1 pointⓐ 5 ⓑ 6 ⓒ 7 ⓓ 87➤ What did the rich young man do when Jesus invited him to follow? 1 pointⓐ Went away sad ⓑ Sold his goods ⓒ Gave money to the poor ⓓ Asked for time8➤ Who did Jesus say had made the temple a den of thieves? 1 pointⓐ Merchants ⓑ Pharisees ⓒ Roman soldiers ⓓ Lawyers9➤ What object did Jesus use to teach us to obey God and also our government? 1 pointⓐ Bird ⓑ Sword ⓒ Coin ⓓ Tax form10➤ What did Jesus say would happen to the temple buildings? 1 point ⓐ Be demolished ⓑ Be remodeled ⓒ Last forever ⓓ Be expandedSubmitYou Got